TRAINEE Open Vacancies Tool

Find the best Service Learning opportunities in your area to learn and help your local community

What is TRAINEE Open Vacancies Tool?

TRAINEE Open Vacancies Tool is an online space for young people that allows you to find Service Learning vacancies to carry out internships, cooperate with NGOs and reinforce your training. It is also a site for NGOs and training entities to share their programmes and recruit potential participants on them. Put in practice your professionals and personal skills in a unique experience together with the communities of the five project partner countries!

Who can use it?

The tool is especially designed for young people over 18 involved on a training course/degree and looking for Service Learning placements to put in practice their knowledge and improve their skills. It also offers a registration system for training entities or NGOs staff who aim to promote Service Learning placements among their students or to find new young collaborators with a concrete academic or training background.

What is it for?

It provides access to Service Learning placements available in different NGOs. You will be able to find the best entity to be involved, contact its staff and set together an environment to carry out a service to your community. Put in practice what you know, learn about new issues, work with multicultural teams and enjoy a first professional experience with a social and solidarity approach. The tool also offers placements in other countries and the possibility of being in contact with entities abroad to cooperate with.

How does it work?

The tool has a free registration system that will allow you to create your own profile (as both, applicant or vacancies promoter). It contains a search engine that makes possible to find and publish open vacancies according to different criteria of location, duration, topic, language, etc. The use of the tool is supported on each participating country by TRAINEE partners that will coach you when needed on its use (in Italy, Lithuania, Slovenia, Spain and Portugal). It is translated and available in all the project languages (English, Italian, Lithuanian, Slovenian, Spanish and Portuguese).

When will it be ready?

The first version of the Open Vacancies Tool will be offered in Summer 2021 by the partner organisations of TRAINEE on their countries. To know more and be able to use it, please contact the partner organisation in your country.


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