Meet the project partners
Partner organisations implementing the project on each country.
The project partnership
TRAINEE is a transnational initiative coordinated by Neo Sapiens SLU (Spain) with the support of the Coordinadora de ONGs de Desarrollo de La Rioja (Spain), Center for Social Innovation LTD (Cyprus), LVIA (Italy), Klaipeda Ernestas Galvanauskas VET centre (Lithuania), Pista Mágica (Portugal) and Youth Network MaMa (Slovenia). These entities are responsible of developing the outputs described on this website as well as to implement the project activities on each of the six countries involved: Cyprus, Italy, Lithuania Portugal, Slovenia and Spain.
Neo Sapiens (Spain, project coordinator)
NEO SAPIENS is a European mobility and training social company which main aim is the design, management and implementation of educational, training and transnational mobility projects and local initiatives to promote training opportunities on non formal education, interculturality and employment. It offers support and guidance focused on implementing this kind of activities and the development of pedagogic and learning materials related to them.
The CONGDCAR (Coordinator of Development NGOs of the Community of La Rioja) was born in 1997 with the aim of supporting all the organisations registered in La Rioja and focused on development projects at local level and on third developing countries. Its main objective is to run different activities focused on the visibility, technical support and staff training of the mentioned entities and other public authorities (and their staff) working on the same field.
Center for Social Innovation (Cyprus)
Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) is a Research and Development organization which focuses on fostering social innovation that can bring about a positive change to local, national, regional and global entities. These entities include but are not limited to governments, local administrative agencies, non for profit agencies, commercial entities, and educational institutions.
Associazione Internazionale Volontari Laici (Italy)
Established in 1966, LVIA is a non-profit membership organisation, seeking effective and innovative means of action, acknowledging the core values and the commitment to volunteerism in all its diversity. LVIA seeks to promote responsible citizenship based on the principles of solidarity, to act effectively to promote change, to sustain dialogue and mutual understanding among peoples for building a more just and united world.
Klaipedos E. Galvanausko PMC (Lithuania)
Ernestas Galvanauskas Vocational Education and Training Center is one of the strongest training providers the region of Western Lithuania offering learners of different age and background to obtain qualifications that are in demand in local and international labour market.
- TRAINEE in Lithuania.
Pista Mágica – Associação (Portugal)
Pista Mágica is an Education and training provider specialized in the area of volunteering which mission is “Educate for a volunteering that effectively solves the problems of vulnerable people and the world”. Its main objectives are to contribute for a full exercise of volunteering: more informed, more motivated, more capable to a new emerging paradigm that should be added the adequate preparation for a volunteering which contributes for a humanitarian work with impact.
Zavod Mladinska mreža MaMa (Slovenia)
Youth Network MaMa combines and represents organizations that run youth centres or are active in the field of youth work in Slovenia in order to support the youth, their spending of quality free time and a better life in the society. With its activities, the Youth Network MaMa stimulates and promotes creative activities of the youth and emphasizes the principles of tolerance, cooperation and at the same time social awareness among the Club MaMa members (50 member youth centres) and the wider public.
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