TRAINEE: youth employability and social development

“TRAINEE: Training and Raising Awareness through In-service Networks for Employment and Entrepreneurship” is a 24-month partnership funded under the Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ programme for youth initiatives coordinated by Neo Sapiens SLU (Spain) with the support of the Coordinadora de ONGs de Desarrollo de La Rioja (Spain), Center for Social Innovation LTD (Cyprus), LVIA (Italy), Klaipeda Ernestas Galvanauskas VET centre (Lithuania), Pista Mágica (Portugal) and Youth Network MaMa (Slovenia).

The main aim of this initiative and partnership would be to work together and exchange good practices related to train those professionals who work on the support or advice of young people on employment issues or who promotes young people employability (ex. Youth workers, VET teachers, school guidance services for students, public administration employment advisers, NGOs technicians related to youth employment programmes, etc.). Using new technologies and non-formal techniques, the project will train those in contact with young people to generate and promote service-learning opportunities while raising awareness about global issues (especially about the SDGs, Agenda 2030 and economy of the common good) and to allow that young people develop skills for their personal growing and employability. To make this possible and besides creating training materials for youth employment promoters and NGOs, the project will also build on each country networks of local NGOs on which young people could provide services to their local communities while acquiring competences that could contribute to their personal growing, CV improvement and future entrance on the labour market. This service could be adapted when needed to already existing internship or volunteering programmes of the young people training centres, schools or NGOs mobility programmes involved in the project and even implemented at European level by those having KA1 projects approved under Erasmus+. All would be
possible thanks to face to face Training Workshops, an e-learning platform for Employment Promoters and NGOs mentors, as well as through a Database to allow that young people from the project countries could carry out service-learning placements on their areas (or at EU level) towards their training and employability while producing a positive impact on their communities and towards the inclusion of their groups with fewer opportunities. The project will also design different dissemination strategies and events that will allow to spread its results among different stakeholders related to youth employment and social in inclusion for young people on risk of exclusion. All the intellectual outputs and results obtained will be created combining non-formal education, theoretical contents and flexible techniques that would make possible to adapt them to different contexts or areas out of the ones on which the project will be originally implemented.

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